Spotting for Bottlenecks

Spotting for bottlenecks around processes and production never seem quite clear at first glance.

Recognising a pattern of concerns is usually the common ground to identifying where bottlenecks appear.

Sometimes it could be a single point of concern down to a multitude points of concerns.

From clarification, technical know how to co-operation.

Aligning clarification will help the understandings of a subject matter.

The technical know how comes from years of experience.

Knowing this will help one to ask if unsure, without being concerned around the ability to accomplish a task.

Soon or later this will become second nature.

Now with co-operation, it’s always a MUST to help one another, rather than accomplishing set criteria.

You just never know when the criteria could change due to evaluation and clarity.

Prevent yourself from doing things over and over (unless it’s planned iteration), otherwise you’ll burn out quicker then you think.

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