5 Years & Onwards

It seems such an achievement, yet not long ago it was a mission to stay a float. The struggles were long and hard, but was well worth the shot. So you want to know exactly what it is one has been working on over the last 5 years... Here's a list of some of the … Continue reading 5 Years & Onwards

Looking through the lens…

Looking through the lens... with detail. Observing by listening and watching to what users have to say. Seeing in action, the fast-paced environment. The vast amount of tools and systems in use just to get the job done. Trying to understand the users current knowledge of features with-in a system vs their limitation on time … Continue reading Looking through the lens…

Craftsmanship vs Continuous Production

In a line of duty, when duty calls... Quality craftsmanship is needed when many issues occur. Sometimes having to question almost everything to understand the start to end process. Usually when user stories change more often during production and the need to get more clarification. Whilst keeping on top of demand, it's urgent - meeting … Continue reading Craftsmanship vs Continuous Production

When in doubt…

Ever had a feeling your past experience in a work place may creep up? Last night was one of those days. When in doubt, try again situation. You've exhausted all your options, but yet it doesn't quite match the results you had expected. Whatever the issue was, you try again. You may take a break, … Continue reading When in doubt…

Many methods, many implementations.

Just like in coding there's many methods, there's also many implementations. From NuGet to NPM, to CDN's. A mammoth system using all three can get confusing very quickly. Let's start by the most famous framework out there Bootstrap! Imagine there are different variations of it. The original, the Sass, the older version (just because it … Continue reading Many methods, many implementations.

Fascinating or some what frustrating?

So many courses from different providers. Which ones are politically correct? Spending time, involves patience. As we grow, time feels short. It's not always a simple as it looks. Sure you can follow... But there are obstacles along the way. The kind that are not transparent in guidance. Lessons learned, it will never be. Acknowledging … Continue reading Fascinating or some what frustrating?

Testing procedures for the web

What is Usability Testing? Usability testing is commonly used to test something new, a product or service, and measure the reactions of audiences to it. Feedback is then used to improve it with the owner, inventor or developer. The same process occurs again until the owner is happy with it. One may think this process … Continue reading Testing procedures for the web